Monthly Archives: April 2015

entretien: vital weekly #980

cover1-e1429547408377Gianluca Favaron plays objects, microphones and electronics on his latest release ‘Entretien’. The photographs here are all very black, like hair or grass depicted in black and white. It looks rather mysterious. The music is rather short with four pieces clocking in at twenty-eight minutes. These tracks are quite diverse, although loops seem to be the key element in here. The most ‘musical’ one is ‘III’ with a slightly out of tune guitar. In our other pieces there is no doubt some (any?) kind of field recordings in play, but also, in every piece, some sort of crackles. It sounds like the ones coming from old vinyl sources. In ‘I’ Favaron makes this sound like an industrial nightmare, almost as if the listener is being caught on a conveyer belt, whereas in ‘II’ it is a bit toned down, but nevertheless this still inside the factory. Perhaps on a quieter point down the assembly line? In ‘IV’ we enter the office and listen to the Xerox machine on a hot day so cars passing outside also made it to the tape. Which leaves the mildly blues like ‘III’ as the odd man in this factory. Maybe it’s lunchtime and someone picked up a guitar? It’s a great CD, which for all I know could have been a bit longer.[FdW]