Monthly Archives: November 2015

nearly invisible – music won’t save you

sps1510_deison_favaronPer Cristiano Deison e Gianluca Favaron, “Nearly Invisible” rappresenta l’approdo di un comune processo di sperimentazione che ha per oggetto un approccio ragionato al soundscaping ambientale, che unisce la sostanza concreta di oggetti sonori all’astrattezza di frequenze che viaggiano e rimbalzano nello spazio.
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live electronics @ spazio aereo, 18.12.2015


nearly invisible – traks

sps1510_deison_favaronAvevamo incontrato l’ultima volta il musicista d’avanguardia Cristiano Deison alle prese con In the Other House, insieme a Matteo Uggeri. Ora lo ritroviamo insieme a Gianluca Favaron, con cui aveva già collaborato in passato. Nell’estate del 2015 i due hanno deciso di mescolare i propri approcci al suono dando a vita a Nearly Invisible.

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nearly invisible – a closer listen

sps1510_deison_favaronDeison and Gianluca Favaron have each appeared on our site before, both as solo artists and as collaborators; this is the first time they have worked together on a full-fledged work. Nearly Invisible is a measured study in deteriorating texture, a testimony to the artists’ individual and collaborative strengths.
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nearly invisible – vital weekly +

sps1510_deison_favaron‘Nearly Invisible’ might not be the right title for the collaborative work by Deison and Gianluca Favaron: there is a 7″ sized (more or less) photo book that travels along with the CD and it not nearly invisible: it is in fact very visible. It shows us pictures by Stefano Gentile of surfaces (floors, walls) with dirt on it, or painted removed; rusty stuff. Deison brings in tapes, synthesizers and noise, while Favaron brings objects, microphones and effects along and together they seem to aim for that same sort of rusty effects, but then captured in sound. This is what one could call experimental music. Continue reading